It’s hard to imagine an aspect of government and community quite as important as public works projects. From infrastructure asset management projects like roads, bridges, and pipelines to utility services such as water treatment, electric grids, and public transportation, these projects form the skeleton of our economy, allowing it to function smoothly and efficiently.
That’s why having high-quality asset management software for public works is so important. When public works operators fail to prioritize asset management, it’s a recipe for disaster: service interruptions and outages, unplanned repairs that eat into departmental budgets, employee miscommunication and decreased productivity, etc.
Furthermore, asset management software such as Novo Solutions’ ShareNet Municipal Operations Management system, can help bring disparate public works departments together under one umbrella, making it easier to share data between departments while saving staff members the trouble of learning multiple systems.
For public works operators who have gotten by for years with an old-fashioned, decentralized approach, adopting a new, comprehensive asset management system might seem like a lot of work. The truth, however, is that it can actually save you a lot more work, time, and money in the long run.
ShareNet Asset Management Software Features
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How Does Asset Management Software Work?
Once upon a time, public works operators would have to keep track of separate files for every repair made to an asset over the years. They would also have to manually keep up with and modify their departmental budget, issue and search work orders in a file cabinet, and perform regular on-site inventory checks to stay up to date.
Asset management software for public works streamlines the maintenance process by consolidating every aspect of operation. More importantly, it makes them all easily accessible anywhere at any time. When using a platform like ShareNet, public works operators can view and search through thousands of work orders in seconds.
ShareNet keeps a record of every single asset, with detailed information about its attributes, maintenance history, and location using GIS mapping. This information can likewise be accessed by any employees that need it wherever and whenever via their mobile devices. Work orders can be issued, modified, checked, and tracked on the fly, and it allows staff members to communicate with each other instantly.
Benefits of Asset Management for Public Works
The advantages of centralizing so many functions and so much data within a single software platform should be self-evident. Consider how much faster and smoother jobs of all kinds can be accomplished when all parties are able to stay informed and in contact with one another using an easy-to-understand, quickly accessible, and comprehensive toolkit designed to facilitate multiple tasks simultaneously.
Best of all, having so much information available at the tip of their fingers means public works operators can engage in detailed long-term planning. Examining the history of assets and projecting which ones are most at risk of future damage or failure allows operators to be proactive. With ShareNet, you can schedule maintenance repair and report on projected asset replacements at future dates.
Choosing the right asset management software for public works can make all the difference for public works operators looking to maximize the functionality of their assets while minimizing their costs. Working with ShareNet means working with fewer unpleasant surprises, fewer unplanned repairs, fewer man-hours wasted, and few budget dollars lost.
Don’t just manage your assets; extend their lives. Try ShareNet software today. Click on the button below to learn more or schedule a demo.