Street maintenance management is just one of the many areas in which superintendents for small and medium sized governments can use our NovoGov Asset Management Software.
Our platform lets you organize and view your municipality’s assets, report the maintenance costs, and plan for which areas need repair or other attention. The system is user friendly and grows along with your projects. It’s that simple.
This overview demo video shows our road maintenance system software. It includes tracking a street’s pavement conditions, the work orders associated with re-paving it, and the costs the project incurs with NovoGov on the ShareNet Platform.

NovoGov Road Maintenance System Features
(Click a box to see a screenshot)
Leverage your PCI Data for Planning & CIP Budgeting
As a street superintendent, do you find yourself wondering how you can get the most out of the PASER (Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating System) Condition Assessment you just completed? How about how you can best prioritize your road maintenance system in the next five years, or how you can justify to your council the capital budget required to keep your roads in good condition?
The answer we propose at Novo Solutions is our NovoGov Asset & Work Order Software, a road asset management system software that can optimize the way you manage your municipality’s road maintenance.
Our road maintenance system enables you to:
- See street and stormwater-related work orders on a map of your streets with colors based on PCI (pavement condition index) rating.
- Report on the cost of patch/repair-related maintenance by street so you can determine if you should resurface the street segment sooner than later.
- Integrate PCI information from ESRI and provide reporting and dashboards on this data.
- Define road segments (if you do not already have this) to include identifying all streets and street segments, as well as the assets related to those segments. These include lighting, stormwater drainage system assets (such as catch basins, drainage ditches, and culverts), and signage.
Key Benefits of a Pavement Management System
You’ve now read some fine details about how the Novo Solutions software can help your road maintenance efforts in your municipality.
But if you’re still looking for hard-and-fast answers to how our pavement management system can benefit you, we would say our solution allows you to do two main things. It helps you to:
- Make more informed decisions about road maintenance
- Use data to justify budget requests
Any street maintenance software that’s built for the consumer should allow users to define:
- Types of road assets
- Road classes such as primary, secondary, and misc.
- Surface types such as concrete, hot-mix asphalt, and tar and chip
- Priority index on a scale of 1 to 10 (or 1 to 100) to help you prioritize which road segments are most important
- PCI using the pavement video taken as part of the PASER
- Inspection date so pavement conditions can be updated and tracked over time
Our road asset management system software allows all pavement-related work to be captured on work orders from small patch and repair jobs to complete structural improvements.
Using the road maintenance app, work orders have the ability to capture the total cost of the work (i.e. labor hours, equipment hours, and materials), whether the work is done in-house or outsourced. Work order pavement categories such as preventative, repair, rehab, or structural improvement can be defined.
Treatment types can include:
- Preventative maintenance
- Pavement rejuvenators
- Crack sealing
- Sealcoating applied to pavements in good or excellent condition
- Rehabilitation – typically for roads in fair condition
- Grind and overlay
- Structural improvement – typically for roads in fair to poor condition
- Pavement reclamation
- Partial depth reconstruction
- Full-depth reconstruction