NovoGov Community Development Software Features
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Code Enforcement Software
The Code Enforcement features of our Community Development Software allow for multiple departments to work together to schedule and track inspections right when they are made apparent. Pictures of the problem can be attached using a mobile device and the GPS location can be set for the record. This not only provides a much clearer understanding of the situation but allows the violation/complaint to be seen on a map. Using the inputted data, automatic workflows can generate Code Violation letters, with just a click of a button. NovoGov’s Citizen Request Management software provides residents with easy access to submit new issues they see, increasing community satisfaction and ultimately providing a better relationship between the citizens and the local government.

Permit Management Software
Our permit management app gives building and planning departments the ability to digitally organize, retain, and track relevant documentation. Permit types include new construction, remodels, land-use, zoning, ROW and beyond. NovoGov provides these departments with mobile access where their team members can be out in the field and add or update permit inspections in real-time. This gives everyone immediate access. Its flexibility and ease-of-use ushers in team members who in the past may have continued to resort to paper. Paper based processes create the possibility of mistakes in misplacing or transferring misinformation. Your team can improve productivity by automating the process of your permit work flows, saving money, time, and eliminating things from falling through the cracks. Building Permits and Certificates of Occupancy can be generated with a click.
Business License Software
Our business license features of our Community Development Software enable municipal departments to easily track all businesses by type, whether it be a restaurant, hair salon, auto mechanic, etc. Through GIS mapping, the business licensing department can locate businesses on a map and each business type is coded by color, making it easier to group similar businesses. NovoGov can track the status of payments and renewals of licenses quickly through the “Expired Business License” list. The business license system has the capability to generate and print business licenses, renewal and warning letters, and payment receipts. The scheduling and performing of Business Health and Safety Inspections is made highly fluid, as the inspector can be on-site performing the inspection and uploading images through their smart device, saving an incredible amount of time, and getting the businesses approved for service at a rapid pace. NovoGov’s business licensing system helps unite the municipal and business communities, ultimately making for a stronger local economy.

Animal Control Software
Our animal control features greatly aid the department’s team, whether they are in the office or out in the field, by providing easy-to-use digital licensing, tracking, and complaint services. Cases can be tracked through NovoGov’s mobile application to include the type of animal, issue, and its origin. Images of the situation can be immediately uploaded, giving real-time justification for the complaint or situation, to include the GPS location. The administrative team members benefit from NovoGov’s ability to easily generate and print animal licenses, renewal letters and invoices. The animal services department can generate mail merge letters using GIS Parcel data (of the property owner) to update them on the complaint. NovoGov greatly facilitates animal services departments by providing easy-to-use mobile tools to quickly address the care, keeping, and management of animals, while protecting those within the community.
Community Development Software
Our adaptable, scalable NovoGov Community Development web-based management software system will simplify how your municipality manages its workflow. Every department has its own needs, yet NovoGov is so highly flexible that it can meet those requirements within one system, allowing different departments to communicate to solve problems at a rapid pace.
Many cities and counties still rely on paper and spreadsheets for reporting, leaving the potential for misplacing or misinterpreting vital information. Novo Solutions’ pays close attention to the needs of these community services and created NovoGov to facilitate in the transition from inefficient paper-based methods to include mobile solutions allowing municipal teams to be in the field capturing and sharing information in real-time.
Whether it be your city’s Code Enforcement or Business Licensing departments, both benefit greatly from the ability to give staff and citizens around-the-clock access to the information they need. It is an understatement that smaller local governments have a lot on their plates at any given time, and implementation of the NovoGov system can offer great relief.
Learn More – Community Development Software
If your city, town, village, borough or other small to mid-sized municipality or county has inefficient ways of tracking and reporting on information related to community development, planning and zoning, please contact us to schedule a demo. This is the best way to see how the software can help you.
Our web (and mobile) based community development software lets you organize, track, and report on your permits, code violations, animal control issues all from the same platform. This can be extended even further to Public Works and Utilities with our asset management software and work order software.