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5 Tips to Improve Your Customer Support Operations with Workflow Automation

Computing in the Novo Cloud
Cloud solutions rolled in and by all accounts is here to stay, but is it really the magic bullet for most businesses and is it right for you? And are all cloud solutions the same? Here’s what you need to know about computing in the Cloud, and what sets the Novo Cloud Solution apart from the rest.
Consolidating Requests via a Shared Services Environment
This paper will discuss the financial and organizational benefits of consolidating request management through a single, central Shared Services web-based help desk. If you would like to view a first-hand demonstration of how Novo Solutions software addresses Shared Services please contact us.
Shared Services | A Single Software Solution for Multiple Departmental Use
Another look at the cost and efficiency benefits of using a single request tracking solution among multiple departments. If you would like to view a first-hand demonstration of how the Novo software addresses Shared Services please contact us.
What do you track? Bringing Request Tracking Solutions out of IT and Into the Workplace
Asking yourself the question “what do I track” opens the door to the possibility of streamlining processes used for tracking ordinary (and not so ordinary) things. Just think of the benefits of automating the business process for managing whatever it is you are required to keep track of. If you already have a help desk solution you may have everything you need. If you would like to view a first-hand demonstration of how the Novo Help Desk addresses request tracking please contact us.
The Benefits of Integrated Authentication
This paper will discuss an overview of application authentication and authorization, the problem that arises as a result of multiple authentication systems and the resulting cost to an organization. Integrated authentication and authorization will be presented as the solution along with the benefits to an organization. We will conclude by introducing how the Novo Service Desk and its add-on modules provide methods for this type of integration and the benefits that arise as a result of using these methods. If you would like to view a first-hand demonstration of how the Novo software addresses application authentication and authorization please contact us.
Managing Your Assets in Conjunction with Your Help Desk Ticketing System
This paper will discuss the benefits of integrating asset management and help desk software systems together to aid IT workers, maximize reporting capabilities and improve efficiency. If you would like to view a first-hand demonstration of how the Novo software addresses asset management contact us.
7 Ways to Consolidate and Control Your Agency-Wide IT Assets and Service Requests through a Central Web Based Service Desk
This paper will discuss some of the key challenges facing today’s Government CIO’s and how they are effectively resolved utilizing the benefits of a central, Web-Based Service Desk system. If you would like to view a first-hand demonstration of how the Novo software assists Government CIO’s please contact us.
Managing SOX: The Benefits of Service Desk Software in SOX Compliance
This paper will discuss the impact of Sarbanes-Oxley compliance on businesses, and how service desk support software can be used to effectively manage many compliance regulations. Contact Us to learn how Novo Software assists in SOX Compliance.
Creating a Knowledge Centric Support Desk
A frequently overlooked component of customer support is the value of knowledge management integration in the support process. This paper will discuss how utilizing an integrated knowledge management system allows information to be organized and easily retrieved when needed. If you would like to view a first-hand demonstration of how the Novo Knowledge Base please contact us.
Improving Efficiency and Reducing Costs in the Support Center with Knowledge Base Software
This paper discusses the integration of knowledge base software to improve efficiency, reduce call times and lower costs in the call center. If you would like to view a first-hand demonstration of how the Novo Knowledge Base please contact us.