Easy to Use,
Public Works Software with Amazing Reporting


Not all government software for public works can handle the needs of multiple departments. Yet, having a single Public Works Software system in use by all departments can be very beneficial. Why settle for less when you can find a municipal software solution with the flexibility to handle the needs of multiple departments?



Novo Solutions understands that each Public Works department has their own unique set of needs. Take for example, Fleet Maintenance, Facilities Maintenance, and Street Maintenance each require Public Works Asset Management Software and Work Order Software. Fleet needs to track each vehicle’s make, model, and year and set up mileage and date based preventative maintenance. Ideally, they would also have odometer readings automatically logged from their fuel management system. On the other hand, Facilities needs to track buildings, HVAC systems, and other assets like Custodial and Maintenance work. Streets needs to see Work Orders on a map of their linear street segments. In many cases, a municipality ends up purchasing several different government software systems to best meet these needs. But, with our ShareNet software, you can have one public works software management system that is flexible enough to work for all of your departments. 

Issues with Each Department Having Their Own Software:

  • Lack of consistent, centralized reporting
  • Difficulties managing multiple applications and vendor agreements
  • Information Silos
  • Staff having to learn multiple systems
  • Increased costs


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Increase visibility of work performed, deliver 24/7 citizen support and
keep management informed with our powerful public works software.

Keep citizens, management, and council members up to date with real time access to assets, work order and project status.  The Novo Citizen Portal allows residents to easily submit requests online (with pictures and Geolocation).

  • Increased visibility with the public facing portal
  • 24/7 web and mobile access for citizens to submit issues
  • Knowledge base of troubleshooting tips available to staff
  • All work order data is accessible in one centralized location
  • Streamlined communication and processes resulting in better management

Novo Solutions public works software gives citizens and staff around-the-clock access to the information they need. See the Municipal Reports Demo for Managers.

A powerful application can help organize, manage, and distribute all work order submissions and help plan upcoming projects several years in the future.

  • All departments (roads, water, utilities, etc.) can manage their own projects, repairs and daily maintenance
  • Complicated, labor-intensive projects have a collaborative environment and instant access to work orders, locations, and more to eliminate bottlenecks
  • Easily share information, projects, schedules, performance, and updates with personnel from public works and other municipal departments
  • Provide an easier way to prioritize and track work orders and projects

With the best public works software, work orders and projects can be managed from anywhere, any time. Built-in workflows and a straightforward way to develop and track projects help manage and allocate the workforce and resources for jobs.  Watch a ShareNet Public Works Administration Demo Video.

Spreadsheet days are over, all asset information including buidings, property, equipment, signs, roads, storm drains, and more are accessible in one centralized robust public works program.

  • Convenient barcode scanning on smartphone or tablet
  • Improved historical visibility and asset reports ensure compliance with state and federal regulations
  • Easily view asset condition and prioritize maintenance, effectively reducing risks
  • Track costs associated with managing assets for budget planning

Local governments maintain capital-intensive assets and to reduce costs, it’s crucial to focus on asset maintenance and repairs, as well as tracking with regular assessments.  Our adaptable public works software will simplify how you organize, utilize, maintain, and manage asset maintenance and work orders.

Make repairs faster by tagging assets and work orders with their exact location and seeing them on a map.

  • Convenient asset mapping and geo-tagged work orders with specific, pinpointed location information
  • Simplified equipment troubleshooting and expedited work orders because equipment and parts needed are listed on maintenance work orders
  • Automated work order updates to stay informed of status, frequency, and resolutions
  • Improved productivity and streamlined operations across municipal departments

Public Works Software with advanced geolocation capabilities helps you manage, maintain and deploy your assets more effectively.  It tracks spending and provides informative reports to keep costs down and work running smoothly.  Also see our Municipal Software Page.


Customer Interview – Public Works Director, City of Oxford, NC


It can be a challenge looking for Public Works Software to work across multiple departmentsThe local government needs to ensure each department’s unique needs can be adequately metBelow are some of these considerations, and reasons why municipalities have chosen our ShareNet Public Works Software solution.

Needs in the Public Works Department:

  • Linear assets of street segments to display on a map 
  • Map of street related Work Orders to identify patterns of recurring street repairs 
  • Map/GIS layers of Right of Ways 
  • Work Orders 
  • Mowing schedules 
  • Signage fields (sign type, post type, etc.) 
  • Keeping track of details including the location for FEMA (in case signs blow away in a storm) 
  • Reflectivity tracking and sign replacement plan 
  • Park Assets such as ball fields, shelters, benches, etc. 
  • Facility use and payment tracking forms 
  • Mowing schedules 
  • Trash Cart Inventory and Repair 
  • Poly Cart Warranty tracking 
  • Geo Location of carts as assigned to residents 
  • Work orders for bulk item pickup 
  • Vehicle types with make, model, year, etc. 
  • PM Schedules 
  • Logging Fleet Odometer readings from a fuel management system 
  • Job cost reporting by department for maintenance performed on vehicles (i.e. Police Department) 
  • Job cost reporting by building. For instance, reporting on all maintenance costs for the City Hall building. 
  • Building inventory 
  • HVAC inventory and scheduled maintenance/custodial work 
  • Bar code scanning of equipment to lookup maintenance history 

Needs in the Utilities Department:

  • Pipes on a map 
  • Water Treatment assets 
  • Scheduled Pump, Valve, and other maintenance 
  • Fire Hydrant flushing schedules and history 
  • Logging & Reporting of readings – pressure, gallons, chlorine level, etc. 
  • Lift Stations on a map 
  • Pumps and other assets in a Lift Station 
  • Gravity and Pressurized pipes on a map 
  • Maintenance history on a map to identify patterns 
  • Pipes, ditches, and structures on a map 
  • Storm structure inspections 
  • Inspection/Maintenance schedules 
  • Street Sweeping schedules and tracking tons collected 
  • MS4 Reporting 


Desired Solutions