Asset management can benefit greatly from the technology available to us today. These technologies allow us to simplify our jobs, manage assets more effectively, and can help cut costs in the long run. Technology, like IoT devices, plays an important part in our society, including in government organizations and businesses. One type of IoT device that is becoming vital in asset management is sensors. IoT sensors are commonly used in asset management today, including in water asset management. 

Find out how IoT sensors are connected with water asset management and what benefits it has. 

What is IoT?

IoT, or the Internet of Things, is something we all regularly use, including in asset management. This is the network of physical devices connected to the internet. IoT consists of over 20 billion devices around the world and has continued to grow over the past years as we’ve found new ways to connect more devices to the internet. Of course, IoT also includes sensors that are used as a part of water asset management. 

How IoT Has Driven Down the Cost of Continuous Monitoring

Having access to the right technologies helps simplify many people’s jobs and bring down costs along the way. Work that used to be done manually, can now be handled through devices and automation. Manually monitoring an asset can take a huge amount of time. Not only does continuous monitoring require a lot of time and work, but it means that this effort is taken away from other tasks that need your attention. IoT sensors have taken away a lot of the need for continuous monitoring and the cost of it. By saving municipalities money while helping to provide more efficient solutions for asset management, IoT monitors are well worth the investment. 

How to Set Up a Water Quality Monitoring Network

Setting up a water quality monitoring network is easier than you might think. You may be able to power sensors by using a regular power outlet, but some may also give you the option to use solar power. Just in case, some sensors also come with backup battery packs in case your location loses power, so water assets can continue to be monitored. An IoT sensor can be installed near any water assets you manage, so you can get information on any of your assets as soon as they need your attention. Most IoT sensors can easily be connected to the internet using whatever method you prefer, such as WiFi or your cell network. There are also many resources available that can guide you through the process of setting up a monitoring network properly. 

Benefits of Connecting IoT Sensors to Water Asset Management

In addition to driving down the costs of continuous monitoring, IoT can bring many other benefits to asset management. IoT sensors have become extremely important for many working in water asset management. 

Here are a few benefits that connecting IoT sensors to water asset management can have. 

Assign Sensors to Various Assets

In water asset management, you are bound to have multiple different assets. Fortunately, you can associate different sensors to specific water assets, such as water pumps and lift stations. By assigning sensors to specific assets, you can easily see which ones require maintenance and immediate care to ensure that it gets taken care of quickly. 

Establish Thresholds

When you connect IoT sensors to water asset management, you can establish certain thresholds for your assets to help monitor them. Sensors can detect right away when a certain threshold is crossed, so you know immediately when there are changes in an asset. For example, if two consecutive measurements are over the threshold, trigger the creation of an emergency work order and send an SMS text message to alert you. 

Emergency Work Orders

Even when you regularly monitor and perform maintenance on assets, things can still go wrong. If there is an issue with an asset, you might not be there to catch it right away, and the damage will continue to grow and become costly. IoT sensors can create an emergency work order when problems arise to ensure the problem is fixed quickly. 

How ShareNet Can Help

If you’re looking to implement IoT systems for water asset management, the ShareNet Municipal Operations Management system can help. With the ShareNet Work Flow System, you can get SMS text messages sent out and work ordered when sensors assigned to your assets are triggered. ShareNet can also be used as a valuable part of the reporting process to help you document any issues and maintenance that an asset needs. 

Start investing in the right tools to manage your water assets more effectively. Request a demo of ShareNet Municipal Operations Management system today to learn more about how it can help with water asset management.