Cloud Computing

Government Cloud Computing – It’s for You Too!

Could You Use Government Cloud Computing Institutions, such as government and banking have typically steered clear of cloud computing because of their need to ensure maximum levels of data security. But advances in protective safeguards are allowing more organizations to adopt the benefits of Cloud computing.  Government cloud computing is no longer a may be possible, it is a must be possible. What's the big deal with government cloud computing for Municipalities? Flexibility: you don't [...]

5 Benefits of Cloud Software Solutions

Whether you call it a "hosted solution" or Cloud Software, this model of software delivery is a perfect fit for many organizations. While the concept of 'leasing' cloud software solutions has been around for a long time, it has been gaining popularity in recent years, and for good reason. Let's look at how economic factor Cloud Software Solutions 1. Cloud software solutions offer flexible contracts with initial lower investments than traditional software purchases. For many [...]

Cloud Computing: Do You Belong in the Cloud?

Cloud computing has rolled in and by all accounts is here to stay, but is it really the magic bullet for most businesses and is it right for you? The SaaS model that began a few years ago has now evolved into the Cloud computing model being utilized today. Improvements were made to enhance performance and strengthen security. It is a great option for many organizations because it provides Lower maintenance and support costs than [...]

Cloud Asset Management Software

Today, more than ever, people need effective ways to track their IT, equipment, vehicles and other business assets.  On any given day we are contacted by people looking for a better solution than spreadsheet management or an inferior tool they may be using to get by.  It is easy to see why.  The costs associated with managing assets have to be considered as much as initial purchase costs.  Cloud Asset Management is a trend that [...]

Cloud Computing Software – The Novo Cloud is Rolling In

By now you have probably heard of all of the benefits of ‘Cloud Computing Software', and the huge savings associated with moving to a cloud platform.  But all clouds are not the same.  Let's take a look at some of the different cloud offerings: Private/Internal Clouds -emulate cloud computing software on private networks capitalizing on data security, corporate governance, and reliability concerns. Users "still have to buy, build, and manage them" and as such do [...]

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