shared services

Deployment Models – Shared Services

In my role as Sales Assistant, one of my primary tasks is to quickly and efficiently assess the needs of potential clients.  To advise potential clients whether or not there is a ‘fit’ between the needs of their organization and the capabilities of the Novo applications.  Essentially interpreting their core requirements into a working model within Novo, and then attempting to share that vision with them.  In this situation, truly one of the most exciting [...]

Shared Service Software

A great tool for implementing 'Shared Services' within your organization! Companies everywhere are trying to find ways to drive down costs.  Shared Service Software is quickly coming to the forefront as a means to reduce expenses. Many companies have support personnel in various departments.  IT may have their own internal tracking management, HR & Finance their own as well.  And they may all be using different tools that do not ‘talk' to each other, demanding [...]

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