knowledge management

Gearing up for 2010

Well, here we are - another Christmas passed and making plans for 2010.  This last year and decade have certainly passed quickly.  Seems like we were just working our way through Y2K concerns - now we have seen the rise of a new expression of relating (Social Media), phones that can do amazing things (and virtually everybody has a cell phone now), affordable electronics boasting incredible advances, and the ability to find most anything on [...]

Customer Service Software- more important now than ever

In an effort to secure revenues businesses are going to great lengths to acquire new clients, but now more than ever is the time to ensure you are providing superior customer service to keep the clients you have.  Customer Service Software is no longer a 'nice to have', it is a 'need to have'.  Keeping up with the Jone's as they say, means establishing the best customer service policy around. With staff limitations and manpower [...]

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