request tracking

Novo Solutions & Public Stuff — Boost Philly 311 Citizen Call Center

Citizen Relationship Management Portal Like peanut butter and jelly, some things that are great individually are even better joined together; that is the case when Novo Solutions and Public Stuff came together with Citizen Relationship Management to help enhance city 311 services for the citizens of Philadelphia. The City of Philadelphia currently (2012) uses the Novo Citizen Relationship Management Software to track issues in their Philly 311 citizen services program.  It is a great tool [...]

Request Tracking Software – People, Issues & Assets

When You Need to Track: Request Tracking -People, Issues & Assets Part III Almost like Dorothy sings in the Wizard of Oz... Lions, Tigers, and Bears Oh My, over and over to convince herself - request tracking can have you repeating yourself in more ways than one.  Over the past couple weeks, we have looked at the benefits of bringing help desk software out of IT and into the workplace.  Here is another great example [...]

Using Help Desk Software | Atypical Tracking Part II

Last week we looked at the benefits of bringing help desk software out of IT and into the workplace.  This weeks post speaks to using help desk software to solve a unique human resources problem. Using Help Desk Software for tracking People/Issues An innovative IT technician in a hospital setting uses his help desk software to solve a regulatory compliance issue.  In his state it is required that all employee illnesses be recorded, so that [...]

Novo Help Desk Software | Tracking Technical Equipment

When we think of help desk software, of course, we think of the “IT help desk”, and with good reason.  Help desk software has bypassed the old methods of emails, spreadsheets and homegrown databases to track requests.  But did you know this same software is ideal for other kinds of workplace tracking? Over the next few weeks, we’ll look at some of the unique ways our customers are using the Novo Help Desk to keep [...]

Reducing Spending | Help Desk Tracking Software

We’re continuing our series this year on reducing spending with the topic of Help Desk Tracking Software.  You may be thinking, “I don’t have a help desk – those are for call centers.”  Well yes, they are, but help desk software is ideal for all kinds of tracking. Businesses track all kinds of things.  Automating that tracking not only improves efficiency but saves money.  If you are relying on spreadsheets you know you have limited [...]

Help Desk Software | Beyond the IT Help Desk

When you think of help desk software what comes to mind?  Most people think of IT support personnel helping coworkers resolve issues, or customer support representatives providing internal or external support.  Most of us do not think of the other helpful benefits of a help desk software system. A question we ask people is, “What do you track”?  Organizations track all sorts of things such as: Projects Problems People/Issues Equipment And much more What’s distressing [...]

Small Business Solutions | Keep Track of Requests

Your business may be small – but your business needs aren’t! Many small business owners think that request tracking, or help desk software is just for call centers or large IT shops, but that is not the case.  Small organizations that have the same need as larger organizations to keep track of requests can benefit greatly from a request tracking solution. It is amazing what people resort to to keep track of requests. Email Manual [...]

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