One thing I have been thinking about recently is how people live with inefficient service software systems for handling customer service.  Many times we find that companies continue using email to track and respond to customer service requests even receiving 100+ emails/day.  They have no real way to ensure things are not falling through the cracks and reporting is non-existent.  Often, when budgets are tight, they just can’t seem to justify investing in a service software solution.  And as most know, the pricing for these solutions range from free, open source software that is not well supported (and often has a very slow development path) to very expensive systems such as Remedy.  If they have unique or complex needs, they sometimes need the flexibility that a Remedy solution provides, but may not be able to afford it.

Fortunately, we talk to quite a few companies that have unique and complex needs but do not have a budget for a Remedy Service Software Solution.  One of the things I love about our service software is the flexibility it provides our customers.  With User Defined Fields, Unlimited Service Request Templates/Forms, flexible Custom Rules and a powerful Report Writer, our customers can quickly and easily configure our service software to meet most if not all of their needs.

There are a number of good service software solutions out there, so if you find yourself managing customer service using email, do yourself a favor and explore some of these solutions so you can optimize your time and improve the level of service to your customers.