We all love the MasterCard ‘priceless’ commercials, so here at Novo we have created a version of our own.

  • Average cost of email customer support request- $21.00
  • Average National cost of a desktop incident – $ 32.00
  • Keeping your current customers happy with great customer support – priceless!

Well, not exactly priceless, but you get the idea.  In a recession it is all too easy to move focus to increasing sales – after all, companies cannot exist for long without positive cash flow.  That remains a given.

But do not forget the impact of losing customers to your bottom line results.  While you are ‘wooing’ new customers – other companies are ‘wooing’ yours.  Make sure your customer support service is running strong and the customers you already have are being well served.  A solid support department not only helps retain current customers, but can help build new ones.  Many buyers look at support as a key factor in their decision making.

So beware the costly outcome of overlooking your valuable customer support operations.  It could be a ‘priceless’ decision.
