Haven’t the Olympics been wonderful this year?  Perhaps it is because the economic climate has been so wearisome that the simple joys of the Olympic Games have seemed so bright. To pause and watch all of these skilled athletes perform in the beautiful Canadian landscape has been truly refreshing.

Like the athletes, we all have goals to achieve success and train for them day-in and day-out in our own workplace.  Providing first-class customer support is a key goal whatever business you are in, because to be successful your customers must be happy.  And because different customers have different ideas of what ‘good support’ is, it makes it very challenging for business owners to please everyone.

At Novo Solutions we are not unlike the customers we serve.  Our customers purchase our support software to manage their own customer support, and we, in turn, do our best to ensure our ‘customers’ are happy.  Like you, we understand all that involves and strive to provide support worthy of ‘the Gold’.  Novo’s customer support system helps our customers help their customers.  We know what incredible service provides, and we are proud that we are able to help you get the customer support gold medal.

So to all of our customers and to all of those businesses out there striving for service excellence with a customer support system, we tip our hats to you and wish we had a gold medal to award you.  Keep up the good work – you are doing a great job!  Always strive to go for the gold!
