Municipal Websites
Last Update (1/22/18)
App for Everything
Municipalities are constantly growing and changing. Sometimes that’s a good thing and other times, not so much. Do you ever scratch your head and wonder what it would take to be more productive and innovative? I know I’m always looking for better ways to manage my tasks and time. Perhaps that’s because there is an app for nearly everything I do. I even have an app that reminds me to water my plants!
Slim Pickings
After attending a recent IML Conference, and making some new friends, I did a little research. I wanted to learn what kind of job help was out there for you because that’s what I write about. Basically, my job is to impart that Municipal Government Software makes life easier and more efficient. Typically, a quick google search on blogging leads to more job help than I have time, so it was shocking to see such slim pickings for the municipal sector. I was inspired to help, but creating an app is not my forte’, although, Novo does have an amazing Municipal Government Software app— I digress. I decided to jump in and do the next best thing. I began to research to make a comprehensive list of helpful Municipal Websites.
Pay it Forward
I hope you find this list incredibly helpful, and please feel free to comment on websites I missed, as I will continue to update this post. The only thing I ask in return— please pay it forward and share with others.
Magazines, Publications, Blogs —Learning is good for the soul- read, research, and grow.
- 50 Must-Read State and Local Government IT Blogs – a massive list of the best technology resources for the public sector.
- Government Publishing Office – free access to Federal Government information.
- Adaptation Clearinghouse – with resources focused on climate change topics such as water, coastal, ecosystems, energy, public health, transportation, laws and governance-policy makers can make more educated decisions.
- State Tech Magazine – they explore technology issues and have a lot of information on the topic.
- 30 Must Read State and Local Blogs 2017 – an annually compiled list of the best, insightful and smart blogs for public sector IT leaders at the local level.
- IBM Center for The Business of Government – this publications center has the hot topics for the management issues governments face today including -technology, finances, human capital, performance, results, risks, and innovation.
- American City and County Site – a very helpful site that has tools for implementing policy, programs, and projects and magazine subscription full of news, trends, alternatives, and operational solutions.
Portals, Directories —Can’t find it, take a look here.
- S. Department of State – links to 13 municipal websites. Save it to your favorites bar.
- The Official State, County, and City Government Website Locator –basically a municipal website directory of local government websites in any state or topic.
- GovSpot – a government and civic resource portal designed to help you find the best municipal websites, documents, facts, figures, news, and much more.
- City Connections – a governing resource library including best practices, ideas, associations, organizations, publications, and more.
- Municipal World Business Portal Canada – municipal websites resource network and directory help keep you connected with each other, businesses, consultants, providers, products, and services.
- USA.Gov – a web portal of grants, loans, jobs, money issues, travel, forms, housing, and more.
- Congress.Gov-Resources – An A-Z directory of help pages, research guides, lists, and more.
- Institute for Local Government – this is a California site however, it’s wealth of resources deserves to be shared with other local governments. They have information on budgeting and financial management, council meeting resource tools, land use, planning, working with staff, and so much more.
Municipal Websites by Job Description— A toolkit for Human Resources, Planners, Managers, and
- GovHR USA – if you’re in a bind, a consulting firm that provides executive recruitment, temp and contract staffing, management and HR consulting, and professional development services may be just what you need.
- Planners Web – this site that is jam-packed with topics, tools, columns, and resources for city planners and commissioners.
- Gov Leaders – this site offers toolkits and training on many topics to assist municipal government leaders and they even have some inspirational quotes to keep you going.
- National Academy of Public Administration – this non-profit helps government leaders build more effective, efficient, accountable organizations. They offer organizational assessments, development and technical assistance, and stakeholder outreach.
- Business Management Daily offers business news, insight and advice for hundreds of different industries through videos, reports, tools, blogs, forums, newsletters, training webinars in Human Resources, Leadership, Management, Technology, Taxes, and Workplace Communication and they have a great resource of FREE Reports to use!
Collaborations and Associations —Two or more minds are better than one.
- Strategic Government Resources – you can never have too many statistics, job postings, forums, or training when it comes to the business of running a government.
- GovLoop – a valuable tool to connect and improve your local government. This network of 250,000 government leaders collaborates through blogs, discussions, guides, training, mentorship, and more. The resource library alone is worth a trip to this site.
- The Intersector Project –this non-profit empowers people in business, government, and non-profit sectors to join forces to solve problems. They have a collaboration toolkit, case studies, and a detailed searchable resource library.
- The Top 5 LinkedIn Groups for Government – start a discussion or make a connection that can help your day-to-day. Let’s make some new friends.
- ICMA – an awesome association offering career resources, community engagement, development, financial management, leadership, management, safety, service, technology, and much more information to assist local governments.
- 31 Government Associations You Should Join – an amazing blog post list of the best Federal, State and Local Government Associations.
- Mindtools – a big selection of skill-building resources to encourage happiness and success, such as- strategy, team management, problem-solving, leadership, project management, learning, career, decision making, and communication skills. They have templates, worksheets, videos, free apps and much more.
- Wikidot Local Government & Municipal Knowledge Base – This Wiki was created by Australians however, the Aussies don’t mind sharing the wealth of information that is available here. Please, you must check it out!
Funding, Vendors, Sales, and Products Galore —Government is about the purse
- The USDA Guide to Funding Resources – this guide has links to federal and private funding databases by state, helpful funding guides, and directories. Hands down you have to check it out!
- American City and County Municipal Cost Index – useful information to learn the effects of inflation on the cost of providing services for your community.
- Vendor Registry –they streamline the purchasing process by connecting governments with vendors. Yes- they do have a free version.
- Municibid – government departments can use this convenient online auction site to sell their surplus and forfeitures to the public. Waste not, want not!
- Government Product News – a very comprehensive product resource for public-sector employees.
- Download.Com Freeware & Shareware a one-stop shop for free antivirus, file transfer programs, messengers, PDF readers and writers, office and mobile apps, fonts, and so much more.
Grants —Do your due diligence.
- – a system that makes it faster and easier to learn about available opportunities. They streamline and simplify the process, making it easier to research and find the grant opportunities.
- – they offer some extensive list green infrastructure funding opportunities, as well as, a list of non-profit and local funding resources for stormwater projects.
- Funding Opportunity Announcements –the department of energy, office of science has a short list of grant opportunities but they must be applied for through
- The Grant Helpers -join the watch list so they will notify you when grants become available. They subscribe to many grant notification services making it a worthwhile endeavor. Also, check out the Grants for Municipalities page to learn more about the service.
- Grant Watch -a great resource for government and foundation grants. It’s well worth a trial if you’re serious about getting funding.
- Grant Gopher – a simple service that offers a free lite version that is well worth a try. It has a hometown community feel. It’s a hard-working little grant gopher after all.
- Division of Water Infrastructure – they provide low-interest loans and grants for water infrastructure including merger/regionalization and asset inventory.
- Buckingham Pillar Grants – if you have a project or program that is geared toward achieving meaningful and measurable impact, then this is the grant for you. Offered yearly.
- Aberdeen Charitable Asset Management Funding – this fund is focused on supporting emerging markets and local communities. Maybe they can help you make an impact in your community.
- Union of BC Municipalities Asset Management Planning Program – they support local governments in moving towards asset and financial sustainability through asset management.
- Federation of Canadian Municipalities Grants for Asset Management – they offer grants to provide asset management training and resources to Canadian communities of all sizes.
- USDA Rural Development Programs, Loans, Grants, Funding – from development grants to added value grants, it’s worth periodically checking in for newly posted grants.
- BNY Mellon Funding Workforce Development or Basic Needs – they accept grant requests throughout the year, keep in mind requests need to impact workforce development or basic needs.
- National League of Cities Grant Finder – members have access to this simple, free tool to find grants, so make your membership count.
- USDA Rural Development Grants and Programs – this large list of contacts, loans, grants, and initiatives deserves consideration when looking for eligible municipal grants.
- Florida DOS Online Grant System – Floridians should check out this system to apply and manage grants offered by the Department of State.
- Reconnecting America Federal Grant Opportunities – HUD, DOT, EPA, and others are funding projects that promote sustainable communities. Funding is available for a variety of uses, including planning, housing, technical assistance, research, and capital infrastructure investments.
- FEMA Preparedness Grants – it goes without saying that FEMA wants to help emergency responders prevent, respond, and recover before disaster strikes.
- State & Local Government Grants Listed by State – this municipal website is worth a look, primarily because it’s updated by real people collaborating and the ability to search by state.
Just Because — It’s always good to lend a hand. 
- Department of Defense Care Packages – use these links to encourage your community to take care of a soldier- from adopt a soldier to the Hugs Project, there are many choices to support your country.
- 101 Small Ways You Can Improve Your City – it’s the little things we do in our community that make a difference. Spread joy and kindness!
- ClearGov -building a network of the smartest, data-driven officials and communities by helping the average American understand where their taxes are going and helping municipalities become more efficient and effective.
Hopefully, this list of municipal websites will be useful for years to come and don’t hesitate to give Novo Solutions a call to learn more about how Municipal Government Software makes life easier and more productive. Thanks for reading my municipal websites post and don’t forget to share and subscribe to read more. 😊