It can be a daunting task to find the right CMMS Software for your company.  When shopping for a home, would you buy the first house the realtor shows?  Not likely.  You usually have an idea of what you’re looking for, this is no different.  What should you take into account?  There isn’t a one size fits all approach to buying software. If you’re reading this, then you are well on your way to making an informed decision that will impact your organization’s safety, productivity, efficiency, and budget planning.



  1. Know your budget and be prepared to justify the cost to supervisors. Recognizing the need to set a budget before doing extensive research can save a lot of headache in the future.
  2. Know how many people will be using the software.
  3. Always compare features and flexibility. Having a concrete wish list of needs you hope the software will accomplish with one solution will avoid wasted time.
  4. After you complete the initial research, request a live demo. It is also very helpful to have your IT manager and any other pertinent employees there during the demo.
  5. Interview your technicians and employees from each department. Ask them what would be helpful for them.  What functions would they need?
  6. Plan for change, training, and data gathering.


  1. Can you create forms (variety) for purchase orders, work orders, inspections, and so forth?
  2. Does the CMMS software system have the ability to have admin users/customer users/vendor users?
  3. Does it give you the ability to track your company data with a dashboard?
  4. Can you schedule preventative maintenance and create an automated workflow to wake when preventative maintenance is due?
  5. Do you have the ability to create assets, update assets and add location information while in the field?
  6. Does it have a knowledge base for gathering information such as; new employee onboarding, manuals, and repair procedures?
  7. Will you get alerts before you run out of inventory items?
  8. Can you use barcode scanning for tracking inventory and assets?
  9. Will you be able to get alerts when insurance, warranty, and service agreement expiration dates are approaching?
  10. Do they have phone support? What are the hours?
  11. What does the implementation cost? Is there an added cost of continued support?
  12. Can you attach documents or photos to records?
  13. Will you be able to see a complete history of record changes including status?
  14. How do you plan to import data into the program? (spreadsheets, etc.) Does this cost extra?
  15. How powerful is the reporting feature? Can you make custom reports and charts to view your records in different ways?
  16. Explain the information security procedures for my data with this solution.
  17. Is there an added cost to increase cloud memory space? To add more assets? More users?
  18. What are the implementation procedures?
  19. Is the program flexible? Will it grow as your company experiences growth?
  20. Does it have mobile flexibility for technicians and staff?
  21. If you need a CMMS software program that can talk to other applications, inquire about added cost, implementation, and ease of use.

Although the process can seem overwhelming at times, the pros column will have many more ticks than con’s after all the benefits are considered.  Having the ability to track and report on assets, maintenance, and compliance can change the direction of your organization.  Expect to have reduced costs, less equipment and facility damage, and a more tactical, efficient system of maintenance management.

Novo Solutions has all of the above and more, call today to learn more about our CMMS Software and I wish you well in your search!