Whether you are currently running your business with fewer employees or hiring new ones, the company knowledge base is a great tool for managing employee knowledge.

company knowledge baseCurrent Employees – have a wealth of training and experience invested in them.  Documenting this knowledge allows knowledge sharing among employees and management.  Lessons learned and best practices can be shared resulting in increased operational effectiveness.  Incentives can help employees participate in contributing valuable knowledge to the repository that is helpful to both management and other employees.

Departing Employees – don’t let valuable information leave when an employee leaves.  From daily tasks to lessons learned, employee knowledge should be documented so it is retained in the company knowledge base.  No important information should be dependent on an employee’s memory.

New Employees – empower your new employees with the knowledge and confidence to do their jobs.  Training tools, policy manuals, company information, etc. can all be made available to new employees from their first day.  Employees will not only ramp up knowledge quickly, but you can be sure everything that needs to be covered is presented in a uniform way.

Today most organizations realize the importance of managing knowledge, but did you realize just how important effective knowledge management is to the success of your company?  According to Forbes, “Three key reasons why actively managing knowledge is important to a company’s success are: 1.) Facilitates decision-making capabilities, 2.) Builds learning organizations by making learning routine, and, 3.) Stimulates cultural change and innovation.”

Here is a short article speaking to “Why Knowledge Management Is Important To The Success Of Your Company“.  We hope you’ll enjoy the read and if you have any questions about managing Knowledge Base please contact us.

If you are already using a knowledge base for customer self-support consider bringing it into human resources for a great employee training tool.

For more information on the Novo Knowledge Base see: www.novosolutions.com/knowledge-base-software/