Saas, Software as a Service, or ‘hosted’ software, has become a popular choice for many organizations, and the momentum continues to grow. In 2005 SaaS Software as a service represented only about 5 percent of business software delivered. Gartner projects that the market is poised for strong growth through 2011, when worldwide revenue is projected to reach 11.5 billion, or 25 percent. With this growth in mind, let’s look at some of the benefits of the SaaS model:
Flexible contracts – with SaaS you ‘rent’ the software for the term period that you need it
- Initial lower investments – no large ‘one time’ outlay of capitol
- Costs are predictable – you know what you are paying month-to-month
- Quick & economical implementation – typically up within days or hours
- No need to upgrade – updates are made automatically by the vendor, so you are always running the most current version of the software.
- “Try before you buy” – see how it works without a capitol investment
- Affordable for temporary situations– only lease for as long as you need it
- Ability to change applications quickly
- Frees up the IT department – no need to host & maintain the application
Some downsides to Saas Software as a Service are:
- Less ability to customize the application
- Less ability to integrate with data from other applications
- You never ‘own’ the software
- Your data is not retained ‘in house’
The Novo customer support suite is available as SaaS Software as a Service, Annual Subscription, and Licensed purchase. For more info. contact Novo Solutions.