
About Anne Sych

Anne Sych has served as the Marketing Manager at Novo Solutions since 2000.

Reducing Spending | Help Desk Tracking Software

We’re continuing our series this year on reducing spending with the topic of Help Desk Tracking Software.  You may be thinking, “I don’t have a help desk – those are for call centers.”  Well yes, they are, but help desk software is ideal for all kinds of tracking. Businesses track all kinds of things.  Automating that tracking not only improves efficiency but saves money.  If you are relying on spreadsheets you know you have limited [...]

What would you do in case of a knowledge blackout?

Beginning tonight at midnight Wikipedia will be closing down its US site for twenty four hours to protest the federal anti-privacy legislation known as SOPA, warning it is a threat to free speech. Whether you agree with or oppose the proposed legislation this action raises a lot of issues.  Free speech governance concerns aside, an intended consequence is that many who rely on wikipedia for information are going to be disappointed when they cannot get [...]

Asset Management Program- They Work!

Will an Asset Management Program Work for You? It feels like no matter the time of year, most of us are reviewing our businesses to learn where we are growing or declining, and determining what we need to improve.  Whether you're experiencing the best or worst year ever, all businesses either need to improve efficiency or reduce costs (or both).  In times like these, having the right people and resources in place can make or [...]

Happy 2012 New Years from Novo Solutions!

We want to wish our customers all the best in 2012!  This will be an exciting year for Novo Solutions, as we are deep in development and expanding our solutions offerings! If you are interested in Beta testing our new solutions please give us a call.  Not only will you be running the newest version, but we will be offering deep discounts for Beta users who wish to continue using the new software. Your comments [...]

Novo Solutions | ANNOUNCING…Version 4.8 – The Best Novo ever!

You spoke....we listened!  We are pleased to deliver version 4.8 with many feature enhancements our clients have been asking for! Here's what's new! Company News: Central area that can be a Home Page +Search hub for your Knowledge Base Article Comments: Blog style in line comments beneath selected articles so visitors can interact with each other on article content Enhanced Article Feedback: Article Feedback and Voting enhancement that allows you to better track how well [...]

Did you ‘Novo it’ today?

Who would have thought we would be speaking words in the workplace such as “tweet’, ‘wiki’, ‘blog’, and ‘google’?  Technology sure does wear a face of humor doesn’t it?  I guess they are really no different than words of the past such as ‘Xerox’ and ‘Kleenex’, but they do have silly rings to them. Take google for example.  This company name has become a verb.  How often have you heard (or said), “have you tried [...]

IT Help Desk | Going Mobile with Your Tablet?

You know that image you have of the typical company help desk?   A ‘techy’ guy sitting behind a desk, answering calls to help people with their PC problems.  Well according to the IDC that is changing rapidly.  Tablet sales are booming and “The savvy IT organization today realizes that this trend is happening and that IT can lead, follow, or become road kill”, according to Bill Laberis, Senior Editorial Director, IDG Enterprise Custom Solutions Group.  [...]

Get out of that ‘software’ rut!

We all do it!  We purchase software that meets a need and use it to help us in our business or personal lives.  Once our problem is solved and we are running along well we drive into that software rut.  We simply do what we know how to do and nothing more.  After all, who has the time to learn something new? The same is true for a lot of our modern conveniences.  Take our [...]

Novo Software…Your Port in the Storm

The past couple weeks have been eventful here in Virginia (our office is located in Virginia Beach, Virginia).  First, we had an earthquake – the first in our region in decades.  Following that, we had a hurricane.  We are grateful to have fared well throughout the storms and pray our customers did as well.  Let Novo Software be your port in the storm. All of this has us thinking about disaster preparedness.  We just never [...]

Help Desk Software: An Effective Change Management Tool

If your organization is currently using a help desk software tool, such as the Novo ShareNet Help Desk Software, did you know it can perform double duty as an effective change management tool? Change Management facilitates the use of Best Practices for the efficient and prompt handling of all changes to your IT infrastructure. It allows you to: Effectively manage IT changes within your organization Ensure that standardized analysis, review & approval processes are followed Maintain the [...]

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