Customer Support Software

Integrating Social Media with Customer Support

  A few years ago when social media first launched, it quickly transitioned from the ‘social’ world to the ‘business’ world. Many of us jumped on board, recognizing the huge benefit of being able to self-promote our brand with no advertising dollars. The effects were immediate, and the term ‘viral’ became something to be desired – not avoided. We quickly learned that there are many sides to social sharing.  Just as people are quick to [...]

Customer Support| Is texting the next wave in support practices?

  As developers of customer support software solutions, as well as serving our own customers worldwide, we are all about learning about the latest trends in customer support practices. Customers are getting savvier and expecting more, and smart businesses are doing their best to keep up. Over the past few years we have seen how beautifully social media integrates with reaching customers, so what is next? It may very well be ‘text’! According to Pew [...]

Saas? Cloud? Is it for you?

  According to Forrester it is!  Forrester estimates that around 70 percent of organizations are using hosted solutions for everyday business processes, such as customer service and customer relationship management, or would like to do so. So what is the best way to bring your customer service into the cloud?  What are the questions you should ask and the things you need to know? We came across this brief article that addresses some best practices and includes [...]

Engaging Social Media as a Customer Support Tool

  Nothing compares to a strong, web-based, customer support tracking tool to streamline and manage customer support requests, but today more and more customers are taking their requests and complaints into social media.  Savvy customers know that organizations do not want negative comments on their facebook pages and can get fast resolution going that route, but did you know that social media can also be a great way to proactively manage your customer support?  From [...]

The importance of providing first-rate Customer Support!

  It’s a given, if you have customers you have support issues.  Whether you serve retail customers or other businesses, support issues occur and must be resolved.  Today, more than ever, providing first-rate customer service is necessary to earn and keep your customers. Some contributing factors to increased expectations are: We have become used to getting information quickly.  When we have to wait a few seconds can seem like an eternity. Many businesses are running [...]

Improving Customer Service with Knowledge Base Software

  It is a well known fact that great customer support is an essential key to a successful business.  It is a primary piece that should be constantly evaluated and refined, looking at all aspects of your customer support practices. One element that can get  'left behind' is the customer self-help knowledge base.  It can be a big undertaking to put all of the FAQ's and customer information into the knowledge base.  Once done it [...]

Supporting Your Mobile Users

  With today’s workforce becoming more mobile than ever, supporting workers in a mobile environment is essential to ensuring employees can access the information they need to do their jobs, as well as easily comply with company documentation.  The added acceptance of Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) to the workplace is allowing workers to do more of their work on their own personal Smart Phones and tablets. A web based platform allows workers to access [...]

Customer Support Software | Avoiding Customer Frustration

Customer support is a key focus here at Novo.  Because of the nature of our business, we practice this on two levels. Firstly, we are in business.  We have customers.  Therefore we must ensure that we are supporting our customers.  Not only is excellent customer service a key part of our business model, but businesses that don’t support their customers don’t stay in business very long. Secondly, our business software revolves around helping others provide [...]

Taking the pain out of searching for software

Searching for software online can be an unpleasant task.  Whether for a work application or personal use, success in getting the right software can be key to saving time and money. I straddle both sides of this fence.  As marketing manager for Novo Solutions I want to provide our visitors with the information they need to evaluate our software in ways that make it easy for them.  My job also involves utilizing software to aid [...]

Cloud Computing | Is the forecast changing for good?

For years industry experts such as Gartner and Forrester have been forecasting the growth of hosted services, but many businesses have been slow to embrace ‘the Cloud’.  Some organizations are leery of posting sensitive company data in the cloud while others have business needs that are not met in current hosted offerings.  Many are doing business as usual adopting a ‘wait and see’ attitude to see how technology evolves, but recent events may bring big [...]

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