The Novo Solutions Blog is a place to share our thoughts on best practices and industry news.

Did you ‘Novo it’ today?

Who would have thought we would be speaking words in the workplace such as “tweet’, ‘wiki’, ‘blog’, and ‘google’?  Technology sure does wear a face of humor doesn’t it?  I guess they are really no different than words of the past such as ‘Xerox’ and ‘Kleenex’, but they do have silly rings to them. Take google for example.  This company name has become a verb.  How often have you heard (or said), “have you tried [...]

IT Help Desk | Going Mobile with Your Tablet?

You know that image you have of the typical company help desk?   A ‘techy’ guy sitting behind a desk, answering calls to help people with their PC problems.  Well according to the IDC that is changing rapidly.  Tablet sales are booming and “The savvy IT organization today realizes that this trend is happening and that IT can lead, follow, or become road kill”, according to Bill Laberis, Senior Editorial Director, IDG Enterprise Custom Solutions Group.  [...]

Novo Software…Your Port in the Storm

The past couple weeks have been eventful here in Virginia (our office is located in Virginia Beach, Virginia).  First, we had an earthquake – the first in our region in decades.  Following that, we had a hurricane.  We are grateful to have fared well throughout the storms and pray our customers did as well.  Let Novo Software be your port in the storm. All of this has us thinking about disaster preparedness.  We just never [...]

Help Desk Software: An Effective Change Management Tool

If your organization is currently using a help desk software tool, such as the Novo ShareNet Help Desk Software, did you know it can perform double duty as an effective change management tool? Change Management facilitates the use of Best Practices for the efficient and prompt handling of all changes to your IT infrastructure. It allows you to: Effectively manage IT changes within your organization Ensure that standardized analysis, review & approval processes are followed Maintain the [...]

Help Desk Software | Beyond the IT Help Desk

When you think of help desk software what comes to mind?  Most people think of IT support personnel helping coworkers resolve issues, or customer support representatives providing internal or external support.  Most of us do not think of the other helpful benefits of a help desk software system. A question we ask people is, “What do you track”?  Organizations track all sorts of things such as: Projects Problems People/Issues Equipment And much more What’s distressing [...]

Cloud Computing | Is the forecast changing for good?

For years industry experts such as Gartner and Forrester have been forecasting the growth of hosted services, but many businesses have been slow to embrace ‘the Cloud’.  Some organizations are leery of posting sensitive company data in the cloud while others have business needs that are not met in current hosted offerings.  Many are doing business as usual adopting a ‘wait and see’ attitude to see how technology evolves, but recent events may bring big [...]

Customer Support Software | What is Annual Subscription?

When purchasing software there are many considerations including evaluating features, but did you know that there can be big differences in the deployment model as well? Typical deployment models: Shareware/Freeware: This is usually a basic version of the vendor’s software.  It is free but there may be costs for additional users and features.  Some have term limitations while others have unlimited use but may have other restrictions.  Make sure you read all the fine print [...]

Flexible Scalable Customizable – Novo Customer Support

Flexibility in an application often engenders fear in the hearts of professionals tasked with managing the initial set up and continued management of a solution.  While this anxiety is completely understandable, Novo renders such fears largely baseless.  We’ve done so by creating an intuitive interface for administrators and by providing the personal touch of training your core cadre of users.  Should assistance be required, our Support Portal enables self help and of course our Support [...]

Flexible Scalable Customizable Intuitive – Novo Customer Support Suite

In today’s business world, all businesses are seeking to not only increase efficiency but to enhance service while doing so.  In such a business climate, most organizations find themselves in a situation where more work must be performed by the same or number of employees.  If unable to increase staffing to manage workloads, more efficiently managing work through the use of a support application makes sound business sense.  Such a solution must be scalable, cost [...]

Tracking Software – Employees Medical File

Well done illustration People track many things with our request tracking software, from IT to Facility Maintenance requests and more, but it is always interesting to hear how some people utilize our Tracking Software for their own unique needs.  From a construction site, law office, or a medical office tracking software is flexible, customizable, and easy to use.  Workflows can be tailored to fit your unique requirements.  Do you need to set up thing [...]

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