Manufacturing Software

The 2018 | 100+ Manufacturing, Maintenance Management Resource Guide

When I started working at Novo Solutions, I had no idea how much research I would do.  I wanted to get to know the industries using Asset Management and CMMS Software better.  In other words, I went down the rabbit hole to gain insight into your needs and problems. Why does it matter? Oh, it matters because I gained much more than insight during my self-imposed education.  I stumbled onto so many helpful sites, publications, [...]

The CMMS System | The Maintenance Manager

Practicing safety is a lesson that begins with our mother’s teachings and progresses through the phases of our lives.  Much in the way of parents, protecting the safety of employees is a manager’s responsibility.   Incidents are inevitable, but managing safety training and having a process in place to ensure employees are trained on a regular basis will decrease the frequency of accidents.  Unfortunately, it often takes a crisis before safety management improvements are made.  So, [...]

The Top 33 + Most Helpful Manufacturing Publications

I recently embarked on a quest to create a manufacturing resource arsenal for plant managers, manufacturing supervisors, process, and corporate managers and everyone in between.  This is no easy task!This post of Manufacturing Publications is just a sneak peek into the future HUGE post. To begin, I asked myself, what type of content would be useful? What do manufacturers need to know and what are the challenges they face?  (please feel free to comment) I [...]

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