
About Anne Sych

Anne Sych has served as the Marketing Manager at Novo Solutions since 2000.

IT Asset Tracking Software — 5 Steps to Manage

You may not think of your business as having a lot of assets, but when you factor in items such as furniture and equipment along with your IT, you may have a large amount of investment just lying around.  Knowing what assets you have and where they are located can save you money by optimizing their use.  IT asset tracking can ensure you manage your assets effectively. Here are 5 steps to effectively manage your [...]

ShareNet Software

Advancements in technology have brought huge changes to the workplace, and now with mobile technology we can bring our “offices” with us wherever we go. Emails, texts and CRM’s have replaced typewriters and Rolodex files allowing us to communicate from virtually anywhere.  Application tools on our smartphones allow us to do almost anything “on the go” where in the past they could only be done from an office.  As society has changed so has the [...]

BYOD – How is it working for you?

 The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend that surfaced a couple years ago seemed like it was going to be a win-win scenario for companies and employees alike. Employees could use a single, familiar device that they already owned for work, as well as for personal use. At the same time companies did not have the expenses of purchase, training and maintaining a whole new set of IT devices. But has BYOD been the magic [...]

Integrating Social Media with Customer Support

  A few years ago when social media first launched, it quickly transitioned from the ‘social’ world to the ‘business’ world. Many of us jumped on board, recognizing the huge benefit of being able to self-promote our brand with no advertising dollars. The effects were immediate, and the term ‘viral’ became something to be desired – not avoided. We quickly learned that there are many sides to social sharing.  Just as people are quick to [...]

Single Sign On and Microsoft Active Directory

Integrate Your Applications To Join Together - Single Sign-On In a perfect world organizations would have a single application that fulfills all of their business needs, sadly this is not possible. While it is a desirable goal to have as much integrated functionality within a single application as possible, even large, very expensive enterprise systems rarely address every need in the desired way. As a result, organizations must consider supplementary applications to address these specific [...]

The Hidden Costs of Freeware

Let’s say you are tasked with looking for software and in your research, you find freeware. It is very tempting - most of us will at least take a look. After all, why would we buy software we can get for free? Or perhaps you begin by searching for a solid solution that will meet all of your needs, but your budget is lean and you begin looking at scaled down or free solutions that [...]

5 Benefits of Cloud Software Solutions

Whether you call it a "hosted solution" or Cloud Software, this model of software delivery is a perfect fit for many organizations. While the concept of 'leasing' cloud software solutions has been around for a long time, it has been gaining popularity in recent years, and for good reason. Let's look at how economic factor Cloud Software Solutions 1. Cloud software solutions offer flexible contracts with initial lower investments than traditional software purchases. For many [...]

A Cloud is a Cloud? So what is a Private Cloud?

  Here at Novo keeping our customers data secure is our highest goal.  Going beyond industry standard secure cloud hosting, we have implemented “private cloud’ technology for our ShareNet Platform. So what exactly is a Private Cloud? A Private Cloud is simply a dedicated hardware environment (pooled resources) with a virtualization layer running on top. This means that multiple virtual servers can be created and managed within a set of physical servers. And since it’s [...]

Customer Support| Is texting the next wave in support practices?

  As developers of customer support software solutions, as well as serving our own customers worldwide, we are all about learning about the latest trends in customer support practices. Customers are getting savvier and expecting more, and smart businesses are doing their best to keep up. Over the past few years we have seen how beautifully social media integrates with reaching customers, so what is next? It may very well be ‘text’! According to Pew [...]

Cloud Computing: Do You Belong in the Cloud?

Cloud computing has rolled in and by all accounts is here to stay, but is it really the magic bullet for most businesses and is it right for you? The SaaS model that began a few years ago has now evolved into the Cloud computing model being utilized today. Improvements were made to enhance performance and strengthen security. It is a great option for many organizations because it provides Lower maintenance and support costs than [...]

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