The Novo Solutions Blog is a place to share our thoughts on best practices and industry news.

Using Help Desk Software | Atypical Tracking Part II

Last week we looked at the benefits of bringing help desk software out of IT and into the workplace.  This weeks post speaks to using help desk software to solve a unique human resources problem. Using Help Desk Software for tracking People/Issues An innovative IT technician in a hospital setting uses his help desk software to solve a regulatory compliance issue.  In his state it is required that all employee illnesses be recorded, so that [...]

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Novo Help Desk Software | Tracking Technical Equipment

When we think of help desk software, of course, we think of the “IT help desk”, and with good reason.  Help desk software has bypassed the old methods of emails, spreadsheets and homegrown databases to track requests.  But did you know this same software is ideal for other kinds of workplace tracking? Over the next few weeks, we’ll look at some of the unique ways our customers are using the Novo Help Desk to keep [...]

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Asset Management Solution – It’s About Keeping Track!

The Asset Management Solution More and more people are looking for ways to keep track of their company assets.  Here at Novo almost every day we are contacted by folks who are looking for a better asset management solution than spreadsheet management or a homegrown tool they may have.  It’s easy to see why.  There are costs to managing assets as well as initial purchase costs. For example, you may need to know information such [...]

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Software Solutions | The hidden costs of keeping old software

It can be difficult to wrap your mind around how quickly technology changes.  The MS Office software that seems like it was just installed yesterday is now over five years old.  Lucky for me it is still doing the job, but in many cases using old, outdated software solutions can cause you to lose a lot of money. If you are like most people you are trying to cut costs by lowering spending.  While it [...]

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Knowledge Base Software Solution: In-House & External Support

By now most people are familiar with the knowledge base software solution.  It’s a great tool for storing & retrieving organizational information.  You may be using one for storing company knowledge, or providing information on your website, or a combination of both.  Yet many people who have this everyday tool still underutilize it in the workplace.  Here are a few suggestions to get the most from your company knowledge base. Knowledge Base Software Solution Uses: [...]

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Customer Support Software | Avoiding Customer Frustration

Customer support is a key focus here at Novo.  Because of the nature of our business, we practice this on two levels. Firstly, we are in business.  We have customers.  Therefore we must ensure that we are supporting our customers.  Not only is excellent customer service a key part of our business model, but businesses that don’t support their customers don’t stay in business very long. Secondly, our business software revolves around helping others provide [...]

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Taking the pain out of searching for software

Searching for software online can be an unpleasant task.  Whether for a work application or personal use, success in getting the right software can be key to saving time and money. I straddle both sides of this fence.  As marketing manager for Novo Solutions I want to provide our visitors with the information they need to evaluate our software in ways that make it easy for them.  My job also involves utilizing software to aid [...]

Reducing Spending | Help Desk Tracking Software

We’re continuing our series this year on reducing spending with the topic of Help Desk Tracking Software.  You may be thinking, “I don’t have a help desk – those are for call centers.”  Well yes, they are, but help desk software is ideal for all kinds of tracking. Businesses track all kinds of things.  Automating that tracking not only improves efficiency but saves money.  If you are relying on spreadsheets you know you have limited [...]

What would you do in case of a knowledge blackout?

Beginning tonight at midnight Wikipedia will be closing down its US site for twenty four hours to protest the federal anti-privacy legislation known as SOPA, warning it is a threat to free speech. Whether you agree with or oppose the proposed legislation this action raises a lot of issues.  Free speech governance concerns aside, an intended consequence is that many who rely on wikipedia for information are going to be disappointed when they cannot get [...]

Asset Management Program- They Work!

Will an Asset Management Program Work for You? It feels like no matter the time of year, most of us are reviewing our businesses to learn where we are growing or declining, and determining what we need to improve.  Whether you're experiencing the best or worst year ever, all businesses either need to improve efficiency or reduce costs (or both).  In times like these, having the right people and resources in place can make or [...]

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