Company News

Novo Solutions | ANNOUNCING…Version 4.8 – The Best Novo ever!

You spoke....we listened!  We are pleased to deliver version 4.8 with many feature enhancements our clients have been asking for! Here's what's new! Company News: Central area that can be a Home Page +Search hub for your Knowledge Base Article Comments: Blog style in line comments beneath selected articles so visitors can interact with each other on article content Enhanced Article Feedback: Article Feedback and Voting enhancement that allows you to better track how well [...]

Get out of that ‘software’ rut!

We all do it!  We purchase software that meets a need and use it to help us in our business or personal lives.  Once our problem is solved and we are running along well we drive into that software rut.  We simply do what we know how to do and nothing more.  After all, who has the time to learn something new? The same is true for a lot of our modern conveniences.  Take our [...]

End of the World – Really?

Leaving work Thursday night a co-worker mentioned that someone had said Saturday was the end of the world.  I responded with a smile and I said I was ready.  Friday morning comes around and I get a calendar reminder to do some reading.  I am not much for watching TV and the plans and tasks of running a business and other aspects of my life tend to leave me unaware of what is going on [...]

Web Design for Business – Concept

I’ve often found it useful to utilize real-world experiences as inspiration for endeavors in design. The first question that comes to my mind is ‘what feeling do you want to impart on visitors?’ Do I want a conservative, blue and tan décor with a suit and tie mood? Do I want a sleek, minimalist décor with a creative, yet perhaps stuffy feel? How about a dark, almost foreboding décor with what could be considered an [...]

Novo Reach ‘reaches out’ in fight against human slavery

One of the issues near to our hearts here at Novo Solutions is the problem of modern day slavery.  As a thriving business in the western world it is hard to imagine that this goes on in the US and around the globe.  While this is a huge problem – we can all do something to make a difference. Here is a list of resources and organizations if you would like to learn more about [...]

Novo Employees – Taking a Stand Against Human Trafficking

By now you may be aware of the emerging problem of human slavery that is taking place today.  Some are calling it the human rights issue of the twenty first century.  And it is not only taking place in remote countries, it is rampant in the western as well as the eastern hemisphere....perhaps even in your own city (see CNN ‘Sex Trafficking: An American Problem Too' The numbers are staggering: National Geographic reports that [...]

April 2005

Novo Solutions Inc. announced the release of Knowledge Base 4.0, an enhanced version of their popular web-based, knowledge base software.

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