knowledge base

Flexible Scalable Customizable – Novo Customer Support

Flexibility in an application often engenders fear in the hearts of professionals tasked with managing the initial set up and continued management of a solution.  While this anxiety is completely understandable, Novo renders such fears largely baseless.  We’ve done so by creating an intuitive interface for administrators and by providing the personal touch of training your core cadre of users.  Should assistance be required, our Support Portal enables self help and of course our Support [...]

Flexible Scalable Customizable Intuitive – Novo Customer Support Suite

In today’s business world, all businesses are seeking to not only increase efficiency but to enhance service while doing so.  In such a business climate, most organizations find themselves in a situation where more work must be performed by the same or number of employees.  If unable to increase staffing to manage workloads, more efficiently managing work through the use of a support application makes sound business sense.  Such a solution must be scalable, cost [...]

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