Transparency is back in the news, as the US government is moving towards a more transparent relationship with its citizens. Perhaps you are experiencing the shift towards transparency in your own business. If you are not yet, we believe it is coming your way – either through public demand or through regulation. So what can you do now to get prepared?

Your Novo software has some great built in tools to improve transparency. The Novo Knowledge Base is a great tool for storing and managing your company information. Perhaps you are only using it internally now. With its flexible settings, you can also use it as a public facing tool to provide valuable information to your customers. Security settings allow you to determine which groups get to see what information – so private information is kept secure.

The knowledge base workflow tool allows you to automate processes so that you can easily review, change, and manage feedback on articles – saving time and improving efficiency.

On the help desk side of the Novo software the workflow tool allows for easy communication with customers by providing the ability to ask questions within the system. Once a question is posed, help desk workflows kick in to route the question to the appropriate department for response. The workflow automation pushes the request through the system, so you are not wasting manpower by having to manually route information internally.

We are always making improvements to the Novo software to keep up with technology and the changing times. Contact us of you would like more information on any of our software applications.