In this time known as “The Information Age” data is piling up and managing it is becoming increasingly complex. File cabinets are becoming a thing of the past as more companies are managing their knowledge electronically. In the beginning, organizations began scanning paper documents and transferring/creating data into word processing or knowledge management format. As knowledge management grew, people began using web-based tools to be able to access data from any location. Moving your knowledge to the cloud is something you can’t avoid to overlook.
With the growth of cloud-based solution, more people are moving their internal knowledge to the cloud hosting. The reasons are simple. There are many benefits to moving your knowledge management to the cloud. Here are a few:
- Security. Over the past few years hosting companies have become more secure and offer options for various levels of security. For example, here are Novo Solutions we utilize a ‘private cloud’ where only our client’s data is on a shared cloud.
- Lower Storage Demand. Storing data on the cloud relieves you of having to maintain and increase storage in your own environment.
- Lower IT Costs. Cloud-based solutions are managed by the software vendors, so no addition IT is needed to set-up, implement, update, or otherwise maintain the software.
- Lower Up-Front Costs. Pay predictable monthly fees versus a larger initial purchase cost. No annual support costs are needed as support and updates are included in monthly service fees.
Take a hard look at your organization. Can you afford to lose valuable knowledge and information? If you answered NO, then Novo Solutions is here to help. If your knowledge base software is outdated, or you need a new cloud-based solution, take a fresh look at cloud-based software. With its improvements in security and robust features, it can be a cost and time-saving improvement for your organization. Take the time today to move your knowledge to the cloud.
Contact us for a free trial of the Novo Knowledge Base Software