25 Questions to Develop Your Municipal Asset Management Story
Knowing your municipal asset management story or how you arrived at the current situation helps determine the steps to take to get where you want to go next. I’m the type of person that likes to dive in head first and see where I surface, but that isn’t always the best plan. Hence the word, plan. Doing your homework and making a plan goes a long way towards more effective municipal management. Let’s start at [...]
Municipal Work Order Software with Work Flow Automation
Consider all the paper activities your office is handling every day. In fact, the US government spends $440 million per year printing (2009). That's just the cost, there are notifications to send, records to file, and updates to complete. And to manage these tasks, you need a series of steps to follow. Suppose you could do those things without lifting a finger. It is possible, with municipal work order software and automatic work flows. [...]
20 Reasons Municipal Government Software Makes Life Easier
Knowledge and information are akin to having money in the bank, and likewise, municipal government software keeps knowledge and information accurate and useful. Because you reduce costs by utilizing lessons learned and documenting best practices. Having access to municipal software solutions can be a challenge; especially with local government software. Many of us know a person who seems to have all the answers, or if they don’t have them, they will find them. They always [...]
City Government Software – Results for City Managers
Today’s city managers are tasked with budgeting around an infrastructure that has limited capacity for growth, making it a challenge to address the changing needs of the community. Effectively implementing even simple changes requires the documentation, tracking, and measurement of work performance against operational standards to determine the information needed to manage a well-organized government. To that end, city managers and council members need visibility into factors such as labor, materials, and contracted work, that [...]
The CMMS System | The Maintenance Manager
Practicing safety is a lesson that begins with our mother’s teachings and progresses through the phases of our lives. Much in the way of parents, protecting the safety of employees is a manager’s responsibility. Incidents are inevitable, but managing safety training and having a process in place to ensure employees are trained on a regular basis will decrease the frequency of accidents. Unfortunately, it often takes a crisis before safety management improvements are made. So, [...]
7 Reasons to Track Asset Depreciation with a Maintenance Program
You finally feel like things are running smoothly. Maybe you are effectively tracking and maintaining your assets. If, however, you are not able to easily report on maintenance costs AND depreciated equipment values, you could be missing out on some insightful information. Don’t discount the importance of tracking and reporting on asset depreciation directly within your maintenance program. The Facts: Assets enter the workforce just as we do. And similarly, asset depreciation begins producing income [...]
Asset Tracking Software – Get Smart About Minimizing Downtime
Avoiding equipment breakdowns plays a vital role in boosting productivity and profits. Keeping assets functioning at peak capacity is essential to your maintenance efforts. Are you continually working to balance workloads and equipment scheduling to lessen the possibility of downtime? A modern asset tracking software system should be able to simplify your challenges for optimal asset performance and decrease equipment downtime. Have you ever noticed that downtime is comprised of multiple times? – notification time, [...]
Asset Maintenance Management Software Reporting
Assets are your organization's most significant investments and must be preserved. Asset maintenance management software reports give visibility into the life-cycle of an asset. Do you want the decision to repair or replace an asset to be an informed or a desperate decision? What would happen if you drove your vehicle every day but neglected to get the oil changed? Breakdowns and expensive repairs would rapidly follow. For this reason, a work order software system [...]
Work Order Management Guaranteed to Make Life Easier
Working around the clock is normal for many of us– from taking care of repairs, juggling workers, and keeping customers happy, there’s an endless to-do list. We work at the office, at home, on vacation, and at our kid’s recitals and sporting events. More often than not, the running of business never stops and tackling the load means being at the top of our game. Using a software system for work order management gives an [...]
Preventative Maintenance Software — Increasing ROI
Consider the investments most industries make in fixed assets, including trucks, mechanical tools, machinery, and more. These items represent a huge portion of an organization's value. Getting the longest life cycle out of your assets is key to maximizing the return on your equipment investment (ROI). Preventative maintenance software is the cornerstone to maintain productivity and continue to operate smoothly, at the lowest possible cost. The preventative maintenance theory is not new. In fact, it’s [...]