
Novo Solutions ShareNet Asset App

  Greetings from Novo Solutions!  I wanted to take a few minutes to give you an update of what has been going on here at Novo Solutions and what the next year holds for our customers. 2014 – ShareNet Release Last year was a banner year for Novo Solutions with the release of ShareNet, our new Cloud Platform application.  ShareNet was designed to simplify your work by helping you track, share and report on information [...]

ShareNet Software

Advancements in technology have brought huge changes to the workplace, and now with mobile technology we can bring our “offices” with us wherever we go. Emails, texts and CRM’s have replaced typewriters and Rolodex files allowing us to communicate from virtually anywhere.  Application tools on our smartphones allow us to do almost anything “on the go” where in the past they could only be done from an office.  As society has changed so has the [...]

A Cloud is a Cloud? So what is a Private Cloud?

  Here at Novo keeping our customers data secure is our highest goal.  Going beyond industry standard secure cloud hosting, we have implemented “private cloud’ technology for our ShareNet Platform. So what exactly is a Private Cloud? A Private Cloud is simply a dedicated hardware environment (pooled resources) with a virtualization layer running on top. This means that multiple virtual servers can be created and managed within a set of physical servers. And since it’s [...]

Internal Shared Services

Organizations everywhere are having to find new ways to save money.  Consolidating internal support into a internal shared services environment is a great way to streamline processes and optimize manpower. You may have a dedicated support department that handles your company's IT requests.  HR may have their own system to store and serve important policies and procedures, as well as managing essential employee processes.   And your finance department may have their own support and tracking [...]

Freeware is it Really Free?

Considering FreeWare?  Make sure you ‘Count the costs'! Your parents may have told you that nothing in life is free.  Well that's not entirely true; we all take advantage of Internet ‘freeware', but in fact someone, somewhere is sponsoring the ads that support the ‘free' downloads we all see.  Your parents were probably right to counsel you to be wary and look deeper. When it comes to software it can be very tempting to take [...]

The SaaS Software as a Service – is it for you?

Saas, Software as a Service, or 'hosted' software, has become a popular choice for many organizations, and the momentum continues to grow.  In 2005 SaaS Software as a service represented only about 5 percent of business software delivered.  Gartner projects that the market is poised for strong growth through 2011, when worldwide revenue is projected to reach 11.5 billion, or 25 percent. With this growth in mind, let's look at some of the benefits of the [...]

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